
The focal point of the seaside resort, Place de L'Entonnoir is linked to Rue de l'Impératrice, the main access road to the beach for 19th-century fishermen. In 1840, there were just a few cottages on the seafront, but from the 1860s onwards, the boom in seaside and hospital facilities led to rapid urbanisation. The still-vacant area of the Entonnoir was not sold when the land was subdivided in 1863, and naturally became a public space shared by the new population, separating the Rothschild and Dubois districts to the north from the Lhomel district to the south. Despite the destruction of the seafront during the Second World War, the Place de l'Entonnoir underwent very few changes when it was rebuilt. It will undergo a major redevelopment in 2019.

Anonyme, Place de l’Entonnoir, carte postale n&b, ca. 1900, coll. Musée Opale Sud, Berck-sur-Mer

Anonyme, Place de l’Entonnoir, carte postale n&b, ca. 1900, coll. Musée Opale Sud, Berck-sur-Mer

L'Entonnoir almost never became L'Entonnoir. In 1862, a proposal was made to create an "island occupying the central square". The town council planned the development in 1878, but faced with strong opposition from local residents, the project was cancelled.