The Maison Commune, which was both a town hall and a classroom, was replaced in 1893 by the current Hôtel de Ville, designed by the architect Clovis Normand. Berck's economic centre, the town hall square has been the venue for the fish sale since 1857.
As the latter became more and more important, a metal hall was built in 1865. It was destroyed, along with a number of buildings around the Place de l'Hôtel de Ville, on 2 and 3 June 1944 during a bombardment. The auction takes place in the late afternoon on fishing days. The fishermen unloaded the fish and sat down while the town crier, the "écoreur", prepared the lots. As soon as the bell rings, the sale begins. It ends when all the lots are sold out.
The "voituriers", most of whom were farmers, were responsible for transporting the fishing equipment on a cart. They transported the fish from the beach to the market. As for the tide boats, they were responsible for bringing the fish inland.